Friday, March 12, 2010

Sauna à l'Américaine

Although they have become fewer and farther between as I have got(ten) used to the American Way of Life, I had a rare WTF, shakes-head-in-amazement, must-write-that-up moment this morning.

After almost two years in the New World, I hardly bat an eyelid at the neo-puritanical obligation to swim in knee-length shorts that would be banned in Europe as patently dangerous. I no longer try to kiss even close acquaintances, and automatically confine myself to loose, no-frontal-contact back-slapping hugs. I even oblige my children to close their curtains when undressing lest the sight of naked prepubescent flesh sends a neighbor rushing to call the cops. But I think what I witnessed today pushes the boat out way further:

Coming out of the shower in the men's changing room at my local gym, I glanced back towards the sauna to see a man sitting inside wearing - and I kid you not - a T-shirt, shorts, an elbow support, socks and trainers!

I'm too flabbergasted to even attempt to analyse this further, though I might start wrapping my towel around my waist again when I next visit the sauna - or invest in some Wonder Sauna Hot Pants:

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