Paula Deen is a remarkable woman with a bubbly, instantly likable personality and an adorable twangy accent. Not only did she single-handedly overcome agoraphobia so debilitating that it confined her to her house in her 40s, but she subsequently quit being a housewife and built up an extremely successful catering business and then a restaurant. Today she is something like the southern states Martha Stewart, with a TV cookery show on the Food Channel, lifestyle magazines, books and a huge following.
Nevertheless, it is fair to say that she is not the queen of lean cuisine because the main ingredient in her cooking is butter and most of her undoubtedly delicious recipes involve deep-frying - often both. Take for example her deep-fried butter balls, comprising (you guessed it) butter mixed with cream cheese, formed into balls, frozen and then deep-fried. Other classics include gooey butter cake and the deep-fried Twinkie.
However, her pièce de la résistance is the "heart attack"; a hamburger topped with an egg and fried bacon and sandwiched between two iced doughnuts:
However, her pièce de la résistance is the "heart attack"; a hamburger topped with an egg and fried bacon and sandwiched between two iced doughnuts:
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