So far, Box Tops alone has raised $250 million for schools.
All you do is cut out the relevant labels on everything from cereal packets to soups, kitchen roll to nappies, and hand them over to the school, which then cashes them in. The programme bills the relevant manufacturer and sends the school a cheque. Given that each label is worth 10 cents, the money quickly piles up.
You can also earn Box Top credits for your school by shopping on the Internet at sites like gap.com, and at some shops - e.g. Kroger - you can even register your store card online and automatically get the Box Top credited to your nominated school every time you shop. That way, the school is paid twice for each label!
Knowing how cash-strapped schools in Britain are, wouldn't this be a great thing to introduce rather than relying on grants from the insane lottery, which only encourages people to gamble?
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