Friday, October 2, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing

When I came over to the US and went to sign up for a mobile phone subscription, I was asked how many minutes talk-time I wanted. In France I had had a two-hour plan and that had more-or-less sufficed, I told the sales assistant. Imagine my surprise therefore when she informed me that the minimum subscription was for 450 minutes*. "But don't worry," she reassured me. "Unused minutes aren't lost: they get rolled over into the next month." So that's the subscription I took**.

For the past year, therefore, I have been using my "cellphone" to make nearly all my calls in an effort to utilize the glut of talk-time minutes available to me.

Yesterday I got my latest bill. I have 3039 rollover minutes.

* I should point out that in America you are charged for both the calls you make and the calls you receive on your mobile phone.
** By way of an interesting aside, my subscription is actually for 450 daytime minutes. It also includes 5000 minutes evening and weekend talk-time. As such, if my calculations are right, to use up my night-time allowance I would have to make phone calls on my mobile for two-and-three-quarter hours each night and every Saturday and Sunday.

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