Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Silly Statistics

I love daft statistics.

Although I could undoubtedly go on ad infinitum, this is just a sample of the America-based statistics I've uncovered at reputable sources:

  • New Yorkers have the country's longest mean travel time to work: 30.9 minutes.
  • Mormon state Utah has the country's highest birth rate, yet the lowest per-pupil spending on education.
  • 40.5% of adult West Virginians have no natural teeth.
  • 24% of Texans have no health insurance.
  • 21.8% of Wisconsinites consume more than five alcoholic drinks at a sitting.
  • Mississippi has both the country's highest teen birth rate and the highest death rate.
  • Exactly a third (33.3%) of Americans have poor mental health.
  • DC has a violent crime rate three times the national average.
  • Despite introducing the world to peanut butter, 3.2 million Americans are allergic to peanuts or other nuts.
  • 9.5% of American boys are diagnosed as suffering from attention-deficit disorder (ADHD).
  • One-third of Massachusetts children are born by caesarean section (the national average is 30%).
  • The national divorce rate in the US (3.6 per 1000) is almost half the marriage rate (7.5).

1 comment:

New World Newbie said...

By way of an addendum, consider this statistic for our neck of the woods:

Chances of being a victim of a bodily crime: 0.0%.