Excuse me using this term, but nothing quite encapsulates the vulgarity of canine faecal matter like "dog shit".
Having slalomed through London, Berlin, and Paris in a vain effort to avoid stepping in you-know-what, I was amazed to discover that in the States - or at least this neck of the woods - dog owners taking their pets out for a walk will also take a plastic bag and then scoop up any offending solid matter that their pooch may exude en route. I've even seen runners stop so that they can collect the said excrement before someone else discovers it underneath their foot.
I wonder why this is. Are the fines for allowing your dog to shit in public (suitably) draconian, or are Americans generally as repulsed as I am by the sight of the stuff on the few pavements and paths that they are lucky to have (after all, a pavement is merely an extra lane of traffic waiting to happen)?
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