Thursday, January 29, 2009


Once again, America has the last laugh.

I may have scoffed at the idea of treadmills and the associated almost Buddhist notion of running yet not advancing, but I am now having to eat some very humble pie.

Faced with the twin onslaught of eating too much (pie or otherwise), which has more than made up the kilos I lost so easily over the summer, and the fact that it's simply too cold (-8°C on a good day) and dangerous
to go running outside (sharing slushy roads with oversized cars is no fun), I am going to have to throw in the towel - or rather wrap it round my neck - and head down to the gym for what is literally an exercise in futility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are all good arguments for treadmill usage. I've never had a go on a treadmill but I reckon I'd probably look a bit like David Byrne in Talking Heads' legendary video for Road to Nowhere...